
Hey there!

Hey all! Thanks for dropping by and welcome to my food journal. It’s basically my personal blog where I hope to share my joy and pay homage to everything and anything related to food (and beverage).

Absolutely happiest when I am about to indulge in desserts

With this in mind, I hope as well that I am able to bring to you, my awesome readers, some smiles (and perhaps some incidental cravings) which may brighten up your day.

Some of you by now may be wondering, “What did she mean when she hopes to bring some smiles? Isn’t this blog all about food?”

Ahh, this would be good timing to briefly introduce myself and what inspired me to start this blog. 🙂

Nice to meet ya!

Born and bred in the Land of the Hornbills, my earliest memories as a Sarawakian Nyonya lass revolves around food. My sister and I were blessed with awesome parents who lovingly exposed us to the wonderful world of food at a very early age.

And yes… Alike other Asian families, nothing says “I love you” more than affectionate food piling during meals. *Cue: Happy nostalgic memories of my parents piling my favourite foods on my children-friendly-plastic plate with huge smiles*

Myself and my younger sister when we were only yay-high
Our family photo taken at a restaurant after a celebration involving food

I was a very inquisitive child by nature and at the tender young age of 9, I joined Mum and Dad in the kitchen as their little apprentice where I have watched and learned. By the age of 12, I have started cooking solo where my parents assessed and scored on each & every dish I had made with constructive criticism.

Imagine growing up having your very own MasterChef (yes, not Junior MasterChef) challenges at home with two extremely-fussy-yet-good homecooks judging every single dish you have made and giving constructive criticism without any sugar-coating. Sounds tough but it did spark my passion for good food as I enjoyed the challenges.

Fast forward to year 2013, I have uprooted myself and moved to the big city Kuala Lumpur, also affectionately known as the “Muddy Confluence”. In the midst of further pursuing my career, I began exploring for good eats during my days off… from street food to old-school mom-&-pop hawker stalls to fine dining restaurants.

Myself cooking dinner on 2014 CNY in my parents’ home in Sarawak

To me, cooking and sharing good food equate to love and affection. What drives my passion in food is the joy that it brings when your loved ones enjoy the food that you have shared.

By now, you would have noticed that this would not be an ordinary food-review-recipe-sharing blog. You will definitely be seeing me getting upclose and personal with everything F&B related whilst sharing my joyful experiences.

My Muse

My inspiration to cook, photograph and write about food came from my very own parents.

My parents spent their weekends together in the kitchen testing old family recipes passed down from generation to generation. Dad documented each recipe down into metric measurements after successfully achieving the perfect taste and texture after numerous trials.

Deciphering “three-finger cubit” and “20 cents of ikan bilis” from my grandma’s recipes from the 1950’s to metric measurements was definitely a real challenge. [FYI: “cubit” means “pinch”, “ikan bilis” means “anchovies”]

Before Dad’s passing in late 2014, it was wonderful to receive grandma’s recipes when Dad regularly shared these tried-&-tested recipes via email to a small mailing list of relatives in memory of my grandma. Dad’s passion for food had brought joy to many and I hope that I would be able to do so, too.

Thank you and stay tuned!

So that concludes my mandatory introductory first post.

Do show some love by bookmarking ashanoriko.com and check back for more food stories and food posts, and follow @ashanoriko if you’re on Instagram.

I hope you have enjoyed reading my food stories and hope to see you soon with my next post.

Much love, Elaine.

Beautiful sunset at Luak Esplanade, Miri, Sarawak in 2018
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