Food & Photography: RGB & The Bean Hive – Part 1

I admit that I am one of those people who would ever so often touch base with my friends amidst being engrossed in the daily hustle & bustle… mostly via phone calls, text messages and certain preferred social media apparatuses.

And whenever we gather together, needless to say it would be revolving around food. 🙂

This will be a mini-series post as we did order a lot, inclusive of dessert. But first, a quick look at my partners in crime for this little feast.

Instagramers: Robin Wong @shutter.therapy (left), Jess Hoh @jesshht (right), and myself @ashanoriko (center)

Feel free to check out Robin’s photography trails:

  • Blog –
  • Instagram – @shutter.therapy, and

Enjoy Jess’ journey of a foodie-cum-homecook:

  • Instagram – @jesshht

The Mains

We went straight for the Avocado Cheddar Melt Toast, Vegan Breakfast, Pumpkin Soup with Toast & Salad, and the Australian Beef Brisket on Sourdough accompanied with 2 lattes and 1 cappuccino made with their very own in-house roasted coffee beans. [Dessert will be revealed in the later sequel of this mini series.]

The Main Spread

Surprisingly Vegan Velvety Goodness

I remember the first time I ordered the Pumpkin Soup in 2014 when RGB & The Bean Hive was still in its infancy, I was absolutely impressed when I found out that this dish is actually vegan.

Pumpkin Soup with Toast & Salad

During the first mouthful, you would notice the gorgeliciously creamy velvety texture. This hearty comforting bowl is delectably savoury although it has that slight sweetish aroma of a very ripened pumpkin.

Up close and personal with the pumpkin soup
That irresistibly smooth rich velvety goodness

This lusciously thick soup would be my ultimate go-to during cold rainy days. 🙂

Stay Tune for Part 2

Thanks for reading and do stay tuned for Part 2 of this mini series. Do add into your RSS feed reader apps and follow for more food stories.

Much love, Elaine.

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